Quoted By:
>be me
>playing ruby
>see other kids on my block playing pokemon
>we start talking about it
>we all become friends, sorta
>few months later
>playing pokemon with one of the kids named Saiid for a bit
>go home
>can't find my game
>start to think Saiid stole it
>tell my mom
>she confronts his dad and tells him
>he says "I'll cut off his fingers if he steals again"
>talk to Saiid later
>he hates me
>said dad had beaten him up
>he tells me that he never took my game
>go home
>stop talking to him
>a month passes by
>His dad is arrested for having a prostitution ring
>his family is deported for not having any pasports
>he's sent to Iraq
>never see him again
>I find my game