>>40694165Masuda made dumb decisions and the battle frontier in the remakes of games meant for those who started hoenn as their first region is possibly the biggest slap in the face, but he isn't the worst person on the planet, he's pretty much the reason why there are even more regions beyond Kanto and Johto with Unova being his best the games of those regions which were followed up with enhanced versions and his best having sequels. i just think he needs to retire or go back to composition actually letting ohmori and other future devs handle the directing of future titles. All they need to do is stop doing yearly releases since that's the actual reason why they had to cut the dex to begin with that and getting TPC to stop pumping money towards merch and mobile games.
But despite saying all of this i don't think we'll have a title actually going back to the DS era in terms of gameplay and storyline even with D/P remakes coming.