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Fighting type gym
The gym is like a treadmill maze and you have to find the right openings to advance further. Sometimes a black belt or two will get in your way. There'll be a switch to turn off some of the treadmills to advance to the Gym Leader.
Howdy! First of all, thank you for challenging this gym. Lets put our skills to the test and see who has a stronger bond with their Pokemon!
>Final Pokemon
I've come too far to lose... I can do this.
Better luck next time dude!
... You're great. You know that?
>After defeat
It seems I have a lot more training and bonding to do with my Pokemon. Thank you for showing me that in our battle. Really.. Thank you.
Here take this badge, the Bell badge, all Pokemon up to Lvl. 40 will obey you without question. Also here take this, not as a Gym leader to opponent, but as a friend.
TM 60 is Drain Punch. Drain Punch steals the HP and energy away from the opponent and heals your Pokemon. Great right?
>Second Rematch
Hey you're back! Ready for our rematch? I'm not pulling any punches!
Aww man.. you are just TOO good. Great job!
>Third rematch
The time is here! Third times a charm right?
You know, I'm not mad at all. I'm happy I got to meet such a talented trainer!