>Neutral - Play Rough: Kind of like Samus's Screw Attack but sideways. Wigglytuff lunges forwards a short distance until it hits an enemy, then traps them with many weak hits in a cartoon fight cloud. While hitting the enemy, you can alter the direction you move, also influencing the direction the enemy is ejected from it, and tapping B will maintain midair height.>Up - Wish: Wigglytuff does a sparkly spin. ~2 seconds after this is used, Wigglytuff is launched straight upwards a good distance, dealing no damage. This can only be used once while midair and doesn't leave you helpless during either portion of the move, allowing Wigglytuff to set it up and reposition before it triggers.>Down - Bounce: Wigglytuff slams downwards, dealing moderate damage with little knockback to each enemy it passes through. If Wigglytuff hits the ground it will bounce upwards at much greater speed, dealing more damage with high vertical knockback. The bounce off the ground can be slightly tilted left or right. Can be performed while grounded, causing only the upwards portion of the move.Sakurai, I can't wait to see Wigglytuff in the expanded rerelease of Super Smash Bros. 64.