Just beat the S.S. Anne, and have noticed a few things.
1. The rival has so far only has his starter consistently. Mons he's cycled through so far include Dratini, Cubone, Eevee, Pidgeotto, and Sandshrew.
2. The Gym leaders are far tougher. Brock had Onix and Aerodactyl, Misty had Lapras and Starmie, I'm fully expecting Lt. Surge to have Voltorb, Electabuzz, and Raichu.
3. Formerly rare mons are now more common/accessible earlier. Tauros in Rt. 5, Lickitung on Rt. 1, Tangela in Viridian forest, and Farfetch'd in Rt. 6.
4. The NuzGen site doesn't recognize Farfetch'd for whatever reason.
Thank fuck for GlaWrap and Amnesia Tangela.
>>35667287Use it as a corpse glider, just keep it fainted whenever possible.