>>52692827>>52693181Considering that there's a huge number of canonically edible Pokemon parts, with a lot of them being mentioned from the games themselves:
>Paras mushrooms, Krabby flesh, Slowpoke tails, Seadra fins, Chansey eggs>Octillery ink, Shuckle berry juice, Miltank milk (Moomoo Milk)>Crawdaunt claws (considered gross though), Sharpedo fins, Tropius fruit>Grotle berries, Combee honey, Cherubi's second head, Snover berries>Basculin flesh>Skiddo milk, Clauncher claws>Crabrawler claws>Alcremie cream, Barraskewda flesh>Klawf claws, Nacli salt, Veluza fleshIt seems like people definitely eat Pokemon parts, but they're never actually killed for it or raised in something like a slaughterhouse. Pretty much any kind of edible bits they do have is regrown after a short amount of time.
>>52693193 is pretty much spot on with his take. I wouldn't be surprised if in the future they keep making stuff up about old Pokemon with something like how Tepig can shit bacon or Vanilluxe can ooze ice cream.