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Hey everyone, I'm back again with more Pokemon to give away.
I've got the following Pokemon to give away:
>28 4-5IV Adamant Tough Claws Galarian Meowth
>14 3-5IV Bold Cursed Body Galarian Corsolas
>11 4-5IV Jolly Hustle Galarian Darumakas
>31 2-5 IV Jolly Egg Move Eiscues
I'm not demanding anything specific, but I'd greatly appreciate at least one of the following
>Haze Mareanie
>Shield Exclusives (Already have Galarian Ponyta)
>Leech Seed Ferroseed (If you have one with Toxic or Knock Off as well I'd appreciate it greatly)
>Sirfetch'd (Or a leek)
>Arctovish or Dracozolt (Or at least a Fossilized Fish/Drake)
>6IV Ditto (You get 2 Pokemon but only if you can actually prove you have one)
As always, leave your IGN, code, and the Pokemon you want and I'll get to you as soon as I can