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For some stupid reason I assumed Cyrus was going to be around lv45 at most and every grunt in the way having super weak teams kinda reinforced that belief. The double battle was quite easy too, Zel deleted everything on the right side of the screen and then Zor dealt with the Golbat and Bronzor. The cat being faster than Star makes no sense but a singe Close Combat was all it took.
I was not ready for Cyrus. I was not expecting to be forced immediately into the fight for starters. Honchkrow kept tanking Ice fangs and getting healed. Zel was able to take it down without taking a hit but the fact it took several turns was definitely a bad omen. Gyarados was next, Reav took a Ice Fang on the switch and was unable to one shot with Thunderbolt. Luckily she barely survived the second Ice Fang and was able to kill it. lv48 Weavile caught me completely off guard. I first switched to Oof hoping to bait the Brick Break and a Crit Night Slash did most of her HP. I switched to Zor hoping to tank the Brick Break but it ended up doing like a third of its HP. It took several Flash Cannons to defeat it and Zor barely survived the fight with 10HP.
With half my team in no condition to fight, Cyrus sends his last pokemon. I send Star first for the Intimidate but Fly does no damage and gets hit with Confuse Ray. Star manages to land a second Fly without hitting herself but Air Slash does a shit ton of damage so I switch to Zer. Crobat takes to Ice Fangs to the face and confuses Zer. The two were pretty low so I foolishly decide to gamble and try to Aqua Jet. I lose the coin flip and Zer dies to confusion. Cyrus uses that turn to fully heal the Crobat.
I send out Twig, to what I assumed was going to be his death, to try chip the Crobat's HP enough a Quick Attack can kill it. Twig then proceded to prove me wrong and assert his place as team leader by tanking the Poison attacks no problem and Rock Climbing the bat to death.
On retrospective, I probably should've sacrificed Reav.