>>52793222When is this game going to die?
Why the fuck did gardevoir's pass lasted for barely 35 days? Why barely a fucking month for literally the most popular pokemon in the game?
>B-but shillcario! Silence niggers, you know very well lucarioniggers don't spend money in the game and I'm a gen 4 tard
I was 5 tiers away from getting the black dress but i had to do tedious missions and now i can't get it
I checked the new pass (which no one leaked, not even chico because this game will most likely die soon) and it goes all the way up to tier 200 which is impossible to reach even when doing all missions, i only skipped a week of missions back on gardevoir's pass and i was level 115, by doing eveytbing you could baaaaarely reach 130
Now it's literally impossible unless you pay
Not only that but the season pass is FUCKING ASS
What's that? 100 tiers of free tickets, item enhancers and coins you can get for free but i gotta pay 10$? Not only that but it's not even fucking 5000 coins/tickets/300 time enhancers so i can actually do shit or buy a new Pokemon?
What's that? Only 2 pkmn skins and one trainer skin?
Holy fuck lmfao, even blizzard isn't as dogshit, on top of having 50$ skins (that aren't even premium like niggercario, sea tsareena, cowboy bird, etc.)
Fuck even content creators are dying outside of spragels and teeds
It's also full of bots because there's no player base (ironically ranked is alive)
I'm fucking surprised this shit is gonna have another worlds but honestly it's not that hard to just throw a little money to shill it one last time before throwing it into the shitter