>>24788499"Phil'erup? Holes? U...Underground?" Dio parrots back. "You would be right in your assumptions then. These revelations are far after my time. The surface had been withering away by the time I left, now you say it's completely inhospitable, a husk of its former glory. Hmph.. As for what else you've told me, I can only theorize that this phobia of holes draws from influence of the cult. They must have been able to garner complete control of the citizens still alive.."
A) "Their fearmongering's really bizarre.. They've got special workers who do nothing but fill any holes that pop up, I even met one!"
B) "Cult? Like, the people who ran you out of this world? Er.. But what do they win out of making the townsfolk panic?"
C) "Hey, for what it's worth, I /did/ meet this one kid! He seemed pretty not-brainwashed!"
D) "Sounds like I need to go hit up this cult then, is there a membership-type thing?"