People who want it to change need to fuck off.
>B-b-but our changes are b-b-b-betterNo they aren't you shit eating faggots. No actual fan of the series wants a map clogged with pokemon doing nothing but walking in circles. Random encounters are fine, all of my favorite JRPGs have random encounters, I still play new JRPGs with random encounters. LGP/E showed us what a pokemon game with overworld encounters looks like and its garbage.
What I want from a Pokemon game is exactly what we were shown.
The same core Pokemon mechanics and gameplay that I fell in love with (and still love to this day) but with a whole new region, pokemon and characters to interact with and explore.
If you want to play an open world, non turn based game where you climb mountains then fuck off and play something else, that's not what Pokemon is and I'm glad you're being actively ignored by gamefreak. Fuck you and your shit ideas.