>>43534085>>43538519>>43538849That snake is clearly meant to be Mesoamerican (Aztec, Maya, etc) themed. In Aztec mythology there is a fiery snake named Xiuhcoatl which the war god Huitzlipotchli uses as a weapon, IIRC it's a zoomorphiczed version of an Atlatl, which was a projectile weapon used by Mesoamerican civilizations which was basically a device used to arficially extend one's arm length for additional leverage to launch darts/javelins (they were also used in Eurasia, but were largerly supplanted by bows there, wheras in Mesoamerica they stuck arouind alongside bows with bows actually carrying more pritimive associations wheras atlatl were viewed as refined, sotrt of the inverse of eurasia).
So assuming it's meant to be Xiuhcoatl, then I don't think a ground typing makes much sense: Fire/Fighting maybe since it';s supposed to be a weapon? Fire Electric since I vaugely recall hearing once the darts thrown by Xiuhcoatl/Huitzlipotchli were lightening bolts like with zeus? (I could be misremebering tho). Then agaiun, there's nothing about it which nesssacarily provies it's based on Xiuhcoatl, there's no atlatl like mechanism on it, nor does it have the upturned lip/crest that's so typical of it's depictions in sculpture, etc; It might just be intended to be a firey feathered serpent who didn't know better (feathered serpents werewn't associated with fire, but variously the sky, a duality of the heavens/sky and earth/ground; or water) since the final stage has a feather-collar made of flames like you see on the Quetzalcoatl heads on the facade of the Temple of the Feathered Serpent at Teotihuacan.