>>48511250in the past couple generations this thing has received significant buffs that make it great with sturdy: safety goggles in XY, and heavy duty boots in Gen 8. Barring knock off and trick, this renders Shed immune to either weather or entry hazards; both of these are huge. Sturdinja was banned this gen from Balanced Hackmons, and it's easy to see why - to eliminate the pesky fuck, you have to do one of the following:
>force shed in on a turn with hail or sand up>attack it with a mold breaker mon, not many of which are viable in SS meta>force it in on hazards after knocking off its boots (savvy shed players will just switch out of potential knock off users until they've scouted your moveset)>inflict status on it (see above), good luck if it gets paralyzed>force it to make contact with rough skin/rocky helmet mons (see above, and good luck it learns baton pass)>hit it with a trapping move (only viable one I can think of off the top of my head is Magma Storm Heatran, which is obvious to avoid)>use skill swap, entrainment, or normalize and then hit it with any attackIf I missed any, someone let me know.
Shed has been cancer a'plenty in the past, even with its normal ability. Sturdy would make it a centralizing force in almost any meta, even more than the Tiger Genie of Skill that /vp/ loves to hate
good post anon