>favorite PokémonGengar, although I've been partial to parasec, shiinotic, dhelmise, and mimikyu, otherwise my first legit shiny patrat (caught less than 30 minutes into W2) - pic related
>favorite typeGhost
>favorite spinoff gameSnap, I've wanted to play conquest though
>favorite song (doesn't have to be from Pokémon)Say What You Need To Say by Let em Riot |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LskdlkQzyp0>favorite routeProbably Route 120 or 121 of Hoenn
>what pokemon related thing you spend the most time onTeambuilding, or Breeding
>how big is your pokemon collectionFairly large, aside from some Event Legendaries, I got nearly every single mon on Sun or in the Bank.
>do you hide your powerlevelPlay at home, only occasionally wear pokemon related T's
>pen or pencilsharpie fine tip pen
>a/s/l if you feel like it26,dude,assdisaster,NE