>>18331876Valerie's Mega Cherry begins to glow with a bright pink hue that synchronizes with the stone in Mawile's possession. Together, both maidens shine as bright as the sun...if it were pink.
Mawile's body becomes encased in a light pink sphere that radically evolves her physical build to absolutely devastating proportions. For starters, her chompers split into and swelter to the size of jumbo jets. Her dress grows longer and gets more ancient feudal-y, as do her frills. Overall, she's at least as twice as big as she was before, perhaps three times if her chompers are taken into account.
Her appearance strikes a chord of familiarity in you, you instantly tense up as your eyes lock with hers. Serena notices this tension, piquing her reporter's curiosity.
"Calem, what seems to be the problem?"
You step back, your hands trembling, your dick twitching.
"This Mawile...I-I....I know this Mawile...I don't even know how I didn't notice it before but...now that I've seen her in her mega-evolved form...I know this Mawile, I really do, and I hate myself for not having realized it earlier!"
Serena taps her chin, "You've seen this Mawile before, but how?"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bW7Op86ox9g"THIS IS THE SAME MAWILE FROM GLITTERING CAVE!"