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This is my team so far.
Part 3.
I start today by beating the second gym leader Gardenia. Her three grass types are no match for my Staravia who takes them all out pretty quickly. Afterwards I head to the Old Chateau and catch a Rotom and I decided to put my Buizel in the reserves since I already have a Shellos and I want to make room for Rotom, I can always use Buizel if I lose Shellos so I essentially have a backup water pokemon. Then comes the unfortunate battle with Commander Jupiter, Bronzor took out her Zubat but I unfortunately lost my Staravia to her Skuntank, I tried to spam double team but one Night Slash took it out which infuriated me. I beat her farting Skunk with Shellos. Afterwards I received an egg fro Cynthia, I failed to catch a Gligar but I did catch a Gible in Wayward cave. I put the egg also in reserves and Gible joined the team, I explored Wayward Cave, found Mira, got lost trying to escort her out but it was no big deal and now I'm in Oreburgh City and next time I will be cutting through the mountain that divides Sinnoh between west and east where I shall make my way to the next gym.
Any advice for Fantina? She's the gym leader I've had the trouble with the most in the past.