Quoted By:
>Gen 8 Based on Mexico
>Starters Final Evolution will be Fire/Steel, Water/Fighting and Grass/Fairy
>2 New Fossil Mons based on Labocania and Nothrotherium. Neither will have the rock typing (At least that is what I was told)
>Royal Mask is featured heavily (according to what I've heard)
>Battle Tower
>Traditional Gyms
>Elite Four
>Evil Team is a bunch of Rudos (Bad Guy Wrestlers) who's leader is a old rival of Royal Mask. There is 2 Technicos (Good Guy Wrestlers) that Royal Mask is accompanied by to help fight the evil team. I forgot the names of the teams. Evil Team leader looks like the AAA Leader Psycho Clown.
>Starters first forms are cute and cool.
>Water starter looks like a brolic iguana wrestler. Think like how Pignite looks but smaller and a iguana.
>Grass starter looks like a cactus and cat combined. Quadraped but the final evo is like a weird Princess Jaguar queen that is bipedal.
>Fire starter looks like a alien, like a cool one. Kinda starts as a hunched over sableye but slender red and more chupacabra looking. though its final evo has like metal parts on it? its cool.