>just use Haze>just use Infiltrator Clear Smog>just use Pranskter TauntYou guys are missing the point.
It's not a question of "do reliable counterplays to this strategy exist?"
But more a question of "if I build an offensive or defensive team that doesn't have specific answers to this strategy, do I still have a good chance of winning if I am more skilled than the opponent?" And the answer is almost always no. It's a very low-risk strategy that can be hard to stop unless you can predict every single thing your opponent does for the first few turns.
And really, don't pretend like full stops to these teams are that easy to fit onto a team. Haze is a very poorly distributed move, and the only good user of it (something not dead weight against non-BP teams and can actually fit it in its moveset) is pretty much Quagsire. As far as I know, only Chandelure can do Infiltrator Clear Smog.
Really, the only way to see how powerful BP teams are is to use them. You just don't lose.
>>18835796>mold breaker roar