Quoted By:
Black Sperm
Type: Dark
>HP: 5
>Atk: 5
>Def: 5
>Sp. Atk: 5
>Sp. Def: 5
>Speed: 5
Ability: Replication
User cannot faint for 5 turns. All attacks and damage will increase a number called
'Cell Stock'*. User has option to Merge**. User automatically merges after turn 5 passes.
*Cell Stock = Total Damage taken * 1.5. Total Damage is the sum of each base power of attacks Sperm is hit with. Attacks Black Sperm is immune to still increases the cell stock. Toxic or burn damage does not increase cell stock. Confusion damage does increase cell stock. Struggle damage does not. Cell Stock caps at 900. If holding leftovers, Cell Stock increases by 10 each turn.
Example: Sperm is hit by 5 Earthquakes in a row. He now has a Cell Stock = 500*1.5 = 750. His stats after a Merge are now 750/6 = 125 HP/Atk/Def/Sp.Atk/Sp.Def/Speed.
**Merge is an option unique to Black Sperm. If clicked, Cell Stock = new BST. Cell Stock is divided by 6, and each base stat becomes that number. (so if cell stock = 600, Black Sperm gets 100 base HP/Atk/Def/Sp.Atk/Sp.Def/Speed upon merge)
If Merged, Sperm can't unmerge and can faint.
>Signature Moves
Pass Thru: Dark Type, +1 Priority, 40 base damage, Cannot Miss. If BST <= 580, +2 Priority, 80 base damage.
Split: Dark Type. Summons a little Black Sperm token with 50/50/50/50/50/50 stats at cost of 15% of health. Parental Bond + Substitute in one move. -2 priority.
>Other Moves
Taunt, Theif, Pursuit, Block, Mean Look, Imprison, Snarl, Roar, Mach Punch, Dark Pulse, Earthquake, Crunch, Bite, Power Trip, Stockpile (increases cell stock by 200 each time used, decreases if Stockpiled is used or def/sp.def goes down), Spit Up, Fake Out, Night Slash, Foul Play, Punishment, Retaliate, Torment, Punishment, Payback, Parting Shot, Embargo, Quash, Sucker Punch, Snatch.