>>36126715>>Favorite PokemonBlastoise
>>A Pokemon only you likeRelicanth
>>Least Favorite Pokemon99% of alola DIGIMONS
>>Favorite RegionKanto
>>Favorite GenTie between 1-2 but in remakes HG/SS beat RF/GL
>>Gen only you like1 Actually enjoy the weird sprites and history. The gameplay is something that more recent games can only dream of.
>>Least Favorite Gen7 Truly the worst in all, designs, difficulty, history... etc
>>Favorite MegaCharizard Y and only because is the least "attach spikes and guns" meme from all.
>>Favorite OSTRed/Blue
>>Favorite Gym LeaderGiovanni/Sabrina
>>Favorite ChampionBlue
>>Favorite Evil TeamRocket
>>A good/nostalgic memory related to PokemonPlaying Blue in the nights at hospital
>>Opinion on LGPESounds fun, something last two gens lack
>>Are you hyped by Gen 8 ?Kind of... but Switch...
>inb4 nostalgia