Post-Morty update. We caught a Magnemite!.. who immediately got crit by a Slowpoke and died. Alas.
The rival battle was actually kinda close, and he almost got a cheeky kill with Curse + Mean Look, but we got past without a death. Morty, as the presence of our fully evolve Noctowl might suggest, was very easy. I do wanna bring up how we killed his Gengar, because it was actually very funny. I legitimately just PP-stalled his team out with Shadowheart (our new Eevee who will be evolving into Umbreon) through Sand-Attack debuffs, since he can't actually hit my Eevee with anything. Was pretty kino. Anyways, gonna clear out a bunch of the optional stuff via Surf then head to Cianwood.
>>55175034Best of luck in the new run! Unfortunate loss of that Butterfree, but I guess when you roll Charmander somebody's gotta bite the bullet vs. Brock. Was the red run on your Champs list a Red or FireRed?
>>55175506I just usually go Vine Whip, Acid, Sleep Powder, and Stun Spore. Stun Spore specifically because it can counter Miltank's Rollout spam. You can choose to replace one of the spore moves with Cut if you'd like.
>>55174354I personally think they're fine. I never use them, but technically you're not adding any Pokemon to your roster, only swapping them out. Some might say it goes against the spirit of the run, but I don't really care. If you get an Abra and can't evolve it, I think it's fair to swap it out for the Mr. Mime.