>>32886951so it finally happened.. i got to do a raid against Muk, the only pokemon I'd raid in public without caring to be discreet nor even dim my screen. le greentext:
>gf leaves for a couple days>sends me awesome screenshot from car>decide to open game>see Muk waiting with 35min left at a park 3 blocks away>head out >tangela half a block down>fuck that>as i walk into the park, which is 80% of a narrow long street block - had a gym and pokestop which happened to turn into this gym - i see an awkward guy in late 20s early 30s walking in ahead of me>figured this is what (You) look like and he's probably playing pokemon>he sits down on bench across sandpit >he takes a phone call with headphones and isnt playing>whatever i dont need another faggot to battle Muk >make sure my screen is bright enough for the first time since August >get comfy>says i need raid pass>whatever I'll buy one>remember i can swipe the gym and happen to get one>adjust line up to have some goats if need be>pj/dp>dp fires off and freezes at animation, getting it off but making dodging nearly impossible>whatever, i trained against my Muks, including this moveset all winter literally 100s of times>Muk kills first 4 attackers because it wont dodge even with perfect dodging >whatever, have time dont care >finish him off with Polibro while Muk takes another 30 seconds to fade away>anxiously await encounter to see if he's over 1530cp