>>48591339One more update for today.
>Totem CofagrigusIt's a buffed Cofagrigus with a bunch of gimmicky shitmons that are supposed to get good buffs from their Crests (Pokemon-specific held items that induce a beneficial effect) but are easy to work around. The Cofagrigus itself is the only major threat due to its Totem Aura combined with its Crest buffing its special stats, but Alolan Persian easily 1v1'd it.
>KarrinaA perfect way to demonstrate the power of the Volcarona you acquire in this dungeon. Her lead Musharna wasted 2 turns of Gravity and Hypnosis into my Volc's Chesto Berry as I set up two QDs and obliterated her team, no sash, no priority, no countersweep measures or anything. Hopefully a trend going forward, though I know it won't be.
>Dr. IshaBut shit they really should not have given you Volc this early lmao. His team - Vanilluxe, Dracovish, Arctozolt, Magnezone, Dusknoir, Giratina (you can actually make him not have this, but I picked the story path where he did for a slightly greater challenge). Actually very threatening, but his lead Vanilluxe can do nothing but watch Volc get to +6. I rip it, Dracovish, and Dusknoir apart, but Dusknoir lands a heavy Shadow Sneak and Magnezone has Sturdy + gets an increased special attack and crit rate from its seed in a factory field. I did too much damage though; I simply swap to Gastrodon on its Discharge to Earth Power, swap to Arcanine to finish off Mags and Arctozolt, then Grimmsnarl and Ribombee beat down Giratina. Clean fight.