>>51132678And you never used it, if that's what you're answering to me.
Let me quickly explain
>Want to transfer from PLA to Home>transfer is on Switch>ogey.jpg>Want to use GTS>GTS only on mobile>not_ogey.jpgNow every time I want to do GTS, I need to
1. close the app on the phone because the researched mon is not in the Home box itself
2. boot up the app on the Switch
3. transfer from PLA to Home
4. close the app on the Switch, boot up the app on the phone
5. check GTS, trade the mon
6. close the app on the phone, boot up the app on Switch
7. transfer from Home to PLA
8. close Home, boot up PLA
9. I can finally use the mon
If the GTS was in the game itself like it always should've been, I'd need to
1. check GTS, trade the mon
2. I can finally use the mon
Home is complete trash and dexcut was a critical mistake.