>>12838140Good Team. A-
>>12838261Poor creativity. Too thematic. C
>>12838288Poor Depth. C
>>12838354Balanced, Fun. A
>>12838455Incomplete. Cannot complete without help. D
>>12838571Cool Bros. I approve. A
>>12838662An NFE. Otherwise great team. A-
>>12838687No Complaints. Balanced. A
>>12838709A good mono-type. Minus the bug. A-
>>12838723Because you're using 'mons you've never used before, I give you an A for working within limitations
>>12838724Having a team strategy. Having a diverse team. Excellent. A
>>12838751Good team, a few week spots. B
>>12838824Diverse and multipurpose. A
>>12838866Balanced. Strong. A
>>12838903Stat. Cruncher. Poor creativity. B-
>>12838912Too much type overlap. B-
>>12838970Lose points for bibarel. Otherwise, doing a good job with Diamond's shallow pickings. A-