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Blaziken (Melee, All-Rounder)
Passive: Speed Boost - Whenever Blaziken KO's an enemy, major objective, or breaks a goal they gain 50% bonus move speed and 25% attack speed that decays over 4 seconds.
Basic Attack: Becomes a boosted attack with every third attack. This attack applies a burn to the target that does damage over time, and can critically hit.
Move 1: Ember - Shoots out a small flame that damages enemies. Deals increased damage to an enemy that has recently been double kicked.
Upgrades to:
Flare Blitz - The user cloaks itself in fire and dashes forward, dealing recoil damage to itself and stunning the first target hit.
Blaze Kick - Unleashes a sweeping kick in the area of effect that knocks back enemies a fair distance.
Move 2: Double Kick - User dashes towards target and kicks them twice in rapid succession, the 2nd kick will launch the user backwards a short distance afterwards.
Upgrades to:
High Jump Kick - User jumps upwards in a straight line and hits the opponent with a knee kick. If used against an enemy that is already affected by a hindrance, the damage is increased and they are also knocked up. If the move doesn't hit anything, the user is hurt instead.
Sky Uppercut - User dashes towards a target and knocks them into the air with a powerful uppercut. Once this move hits, the user can make a short jump in a designated direction.
Unite Move: Blazing Mega Maelstrom - User temporarily ascends to their Mega form, gaining a boost to their Attack and 20% damage reduction. If the move is reactivated, or the duration of the move expires, the user unleashes a large AoE blast of fire around themselves. The damage of this blast increases the more damage the user has taken over the course of the move.
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