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Ash will undoubtly get his Charizard back at some point in XY&Z and have it mega evolve into Mega Charizard Y. He'll ubdoubtly get a Mega Ring as well.
I can't see Serena catching another Pokemon. Maybe Litwick? It was seen in a lot of merch stuff. If she obtains a Mega Ring at some point, I do think Mega Lopunny will fit her the best. At first I was thinking of Absol, but that would mean Pancham would evolve.
Same for Clemont. I can't see him catching another Pokemon. I don't even think he'll evolve his Chespin (Jokemon) or Bunnelby ("it's too ugly for sylveon" if you were to ask a writer why it hasn't evolved.) If he were to get a Mega Ring, I do think Mega Ampharos would fit him (obtaining it from his dad or something idk). I had a dream where Bonnie befriended an Aggron and Clemont caught it for her