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Technical issues aside, here are my issues so far after about 30 hours.
>can't turn off mini-map rotation
This is my biggest issue. I know you can turn off the main map, but I fucking hate when mini-maps rotate in games, it's just so damn disorienting.
>"open-endedness" of the game
People are always saying "hurr durr pokemon should be open world" but after seeing it a few times from Game Freak, they just can't do it well. I'd so much rather go back to routes. Exploring on your own and encountering super high level pokemon is cool, but it's not like you can even realistically use them due to how to badge system has always worked. So I wouldn't have as much of an issue with it if that was at least changed.
But I hate that there's pretty much a "correct" way to go between all the objectives. It completely invalidates the open-endedness of it. This game desperately needs level scaling. I don't understand why they don't just scale every single trainer to be 2-3 levels lower than all your pokemon and have every Gym be equal to your level across the board. I'm fine keeping wild pokemon different, but running into a trainer with a pokemon 20 levels below yours just feels like it's wasting your time.
>hand-holdy nature of everything
This is always my biggest issue with pokemon and I keep seeing people say it's not here in this game and I don't understand. Literally EVERY SINGLE objective on the map (gym, team star base, titan pokemon) is preceded by the respective NPC checking in on you via rotom phone. Fuck, even Nemona physically follows you around to every single gym. LET ME FUCKING DO SHIT ON MY OWN
>thematic issues
I just don't like how the game is structured story wise. You have these gym leaders where being a gym leader is pretty much just their part time job. No one is particularly interested in being a gym leader, instead they're just bakers or chefs or salarymen that happen to be gym leaders. It just makes it seem kind of lame.
Otherwise I'm having a decent time.