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Here's what I want to happen
>Nintendo finally localized Yokai Watch
>It gets popular enough to be a significant competitor to Pokemon
>Pokemon's sales take a hit
>They have to do some legitimate restructuring
I think GameFreak has been a bit lazy because they can be. We're seeing yearly releases and features dropped left and right. I wont go as far as those fags who say it's exactly the same as Call of Duty. I don't believe it is. There's still enough content in each new game that I really feel it justifies a new purchase. But I think they're getting lazy. The games are still too formulaic and too "safe."
They haven't had any real competition in the genre since Digimon, and in my opinion the Digimon games never held a candle, though the Anime did.
If Yokai Watch were to do really well in the US, I would hope it would give GameFreak the kick in the ass they would need to be creative and smart with developing future Pokemon games.