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>>16664091Part 17: + Directory:
Machoke slams his fists together and digs into the arena. Once the hole is big enough, he hops in and starts digging even more to get closer to Dedenne for a finishing uppercut strike.
You're fully aware of these tactics and have made preparations to counter them, starting with Dedenne's arguably strongest move, "Dedenne. give it all you got now! Use Thunder and aim it into Machoke's hole!"
The hamster nods, his whiskers tremble, his tail whips up a sparky storm of jolts, volts, and bolts, and with all of his might, Dedenne unleashes a gigantic burst of electricity from above. The electricity shoots deep into the hole, it's too late for Korrina to counter it now.
"Wait, Machoke, stop digging! Get out of there, now!"
Oh, Machoke gets out of there alright, but it's not on his own accord. Thunder strikes him in mid-Dig, and causes him to retreat out of his attack, he flails in mid-air as electricity surges through him, yelling at the top of his lungs.