>>34946074>>34946074Got Rock/Ghost. Thinking a two stage line of grave robbers/ghouls, like pic related except bulkier and carrying a tombstone in its second stage
>Grave Robber Pokemon - Stage 1>GhostA pale, impish, skeletal creature with a hunched back. It has massive skeletal claws and a creepy ghoul-like face, which it hides between its hunched shoulders. It lurks around burial sites, waiting for the cover of night to dig into tombs and steal treasure. It is scared of daylight and stronger opponents, but will obey strong trainers out of fear for what may happen it its true nature as a lowly thief were discovered.
>Grave Digger Pokemon - Stage 2>Ghost/RockA much larger and more imposing necrotic creature, it has decided to defend its horde by wielding the very tombstones it finds itself surrounded with. It carries a massive stone slab on its back as protection, and will slam it down to attack at a moment's notice. It lurks slowly around mausoleums and cemeteries guarding its treasures. If provoked, it can fly into a rage easily. Some say it is good luck, however, to see one in a graveyard, as it will willingly protect anything buried there as parts of its "collection."
>AbilitiesFirst Stage Only
-Wimp Out
Second Stage Only
-Cursed Body
>Stats-HP: 102
-Att: 125
-Def: 100
-SpA: 70
-SpDef: 90
-Spe: 40
*slow bulky physical attacker
>New Moves:-Poltergeist - uses your SpA and target's Def to calc damage
-Unfinished Business - 60bp physical Ghost, increases by 40bp for each KO'd Pokemon in your party
-Tombstone Slam - 100bp physical Rock, 100% acc, lowers user's Speed -1
-Minesweep - Ground-type status, clears your side of the field of hazards
-Burial - 120bp physical Ground-type, 80%, plants the target into the ground and prevents escape
>Other Moves:-Grudge, Memento, Destiny Bond, Shadow Sneak, Night Shade, Trick or Treat, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Scary Face, Rock Polish, Bone Rush, Rock Tomb, Sand Tomb...