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Im assuming the argument here is "which gym leader is a tougher fight" right?
So far its looking to be Gardenia by a landslide. For the numerous type disadvantages she shares with Bugsy, it is atleast mitigated with the Grass Type's main boon: being a debuffing little bitch. Assuming the Turtwig is fast enough AND smart enough to pull off a Reflect, it mitigates the damage of atleast 3 of Grass's weaknesses. And since Chimchar is likely having Flame Wheel over Ember, that attack's power is negated too (unless that same Turt uses Sunny Day, wtf is the point when nobody has Solar Beam or Synthesis???). Cherrim's Safeguard also allows it to block the status effects the player might try to hurl right back at Gardenia like Paralysis, Burn, Poison, and my personal GOAT Confusion. That seems pretty big. With access to Leech Seed it can setup a passive heal either for itself or the main star of the show, Roserade. Speaking of, it has Stun Spore to Paralyze a would-be sweeper if it lands, and STAB Poison Sting which is honestly pretty fucking useless unless you're rolling up with a grass type of your own. All the pokemon on Gardenia's team share Grass Knot, which fucks up anything over 100 pounds (which I doubt anyone carries by that point, not too sure on the pokemon distribution there) and Magical Leaf, which ALWAYS hits unless your pokemon uses dig or fly. And you probably dont have dig and you DEFINITELY dont have fly, which makes even mud-slap and sand-attack cheese worthless. All in all, a pretty solid gym.
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