>>55011816>>55015807Main character Gyaru girl named Koga Rouka. She lives in Celedon City and her favorite past time is skipping school to shop at the Department store. During the summer of her 17th birthday party, As a reward for keeping up her grades and not skipping school, her parents bought her a smoochum. Some celebrity has one and son now they are currently all the rage. Rouka and Smoochum quickly become best friends. She takes shows Smoochum all the latest fashion magazines, they do each other's hair and makeup, they go out to eat at trendy coffee shops.
She also has a bit of a rivalry with a gothic lolita girl named Rita (she's Unovan). She has a Gothorita and both are very stuck up. She finds Rouka obnoxious and hates trainers who treat their pokemon like pets. Rouka and her instantly dislike each other but it mostly manifests as sharp gazes and making faces.
Early one morning towards the end of summer Rouka's mom notices that within the box that the smoochum's pokeball came in there was a small rock and a note. It was an everstone that the smoochum came with to prevent it from evolving. Rouka just didn't pay attention and left them there. The parents go up to rouka's room to give the smoochum the stone but it was no longer in her bed. Standing across from Rouka's bed was a Jynx. The parents nervously watch as Rouka slowly wakes up. And makes eye contact with Jynx. She hops up and shrieks at the top of her lungs. She then grabs the Jynx and squeezes it tight calling it "even cuter than before". Her parents remark on her weird taste. Now that Jynx has evolved she has more hair to style, she copies dances really good and copies Rouka's speech. Because she's copying Rouka, Jynx only speaks in Gyaru-go