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If you're the jungler you want to pick your dash first and head straight to the little doggy in the middle jumping over the wall, leeching experience from the sides will only piss off your team since they want to both hit level three before getting to the centre and you don't have time to waste.
Your mission is to hit level nine for the dreadnaw fight so you will have your ultimate while no one else does so you can kill the enemy team and take an easy dread, to do this you will want to farm the buffs off cooldown three times for the seventh minute.
Take a note of when you kill ludicolo, it'll spawn a minute later and you should be in position to autoattack it as soon as it appears.
After you have killed the four pokemon in the jungle pick a lane and either help them get kills or farm some bees before returning to base and restarting your jungle path.
You should finish your first run at 9:20, if you run into a lane and your teammates are attacking the crab behind the goal they are retarded and probably won't help you so don't be too risky or you'll give away the buffs and fuck your team over.
If you leave a buff up don't get pissy if someone else decides to go for it before you do, it's a significant chunk of experience for your team that's wasting away.
Some will argue that taking a goal means less pokemon to farm closer to your base but I'm of the opinion that it cripples the other team so hard it's totally worth breaking one especially on bottom lane before dread spawns.