Recently I've come around to really liking Porygon. I think it's because his design is reminiscent of 90's 3d animation, and 90's internet/technology in general. Makes me nostalgic.
>>39185902One of my favorite Gen 4 pokemon. Based.
>>39186223As others have said, spooky cactus man is underrated.
>>39186241As someone who usually doesn't pick fire type starters, Typhlosion is my favorite fire starter.
>>39187306Mushrooms are cool, and the entire idea of a bug being controlled by a giant mushroom is a little darker than your run-of-the-mill pokemon. Makes it more interesting.
>>39188428>>39187907My fellow African-Americans
>>39189633Litwick is super cute, and it's whole evolutionary line is really creative. One of my favorite Gen 5 pokemon.
>>39189728Ivysaur is the best of it's evolutionary line.
>>39189902Perhaps, but it's still a great mon.