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why are you posting reminders for what should essentially be a pinned thread because it's that fucking obvious
they've rushed this out the door because they knew it'd sell regardless (whoop-dee-doo what a surprise, it's selling). Their programming is worth shit, but they still somehow manage to greenlight a product that pretty much deteriorates your fucking Switch and you don't even know about it
the things they can get away with are amazingly well proportioned and I wouldn't be surprised if some day they sell copies with no actual games in it and they'd still sell regardless because no one would know about it until purchase
just like how a lot of people fucking bought the games, regardless of whether there's a national dex or not, because they still have that vain hope that it's still at least decent but unironically wind up killing their Switches instead just because of vain hope of decency on this company someone had the audacity of saying that these products are GIFTS even though we still purchase them