this really is a great question for this entire plot and all parties involved
why did team blight not already steal all the mythicals in a day once they got the teleportation tech?
on the other hand, why did the gym leaders not immediately start mobilizing way fucking earlier in the story? what, actually, were they doing, while there was child trafficking and moeLester going fucking apeshit? especially since it seems like there's only 2 police in the whole fuckin region?
>>55740357honestly, good for them, now that they can presumably have actual control over their own shit
...too bad there's definitely no way it survives now kek
>check in rebornevo>ayrei and other cocksuckers immediately crying NOOOOOOOO THIS ISN'T LE DEATH OF FANGAMES HOW DARE THEY SAY THATkek
>>55740543>>55740408to be fair, could say that of most fangames