>>42745887>You couldn't argue against the points so you dismissed them.I dismissed them because they're invalid. Pokemon was never meant to be a single-player experience, it was always meant to be played with other people (hence you could never complete the Pokedex with a single game cartridge). As far as "mah no dungeons" is concerned, that's just trimming the fat for people like me who would rather play online while streamlining it for kids. I don't care about it because it's irrelevant to the reason why people play Pokemon in the first place.
And, yes, online is postgame, which SwSh helped streamline further. When most people say "post-game," they either mean content like the battle facilities, or extra stories like the Delta episode. The latter doesn't really mean anything since it's just "the game's normal story except after an arbitrary placement of the credits screen," while the former was pretty much replaced with online functionality (sans GTS, one of the cut features that Dexxittrannies actually have a major point regarding). As 'bland' as the new battle facility is, the station's been reworked from a mini-game island a la Battle Frontier over into a tool for transitioning over into competitive play.
I could go on for similar dissertations for pretty much every point there, but you didn't put any thought into making that list, so it's not warranted.