I've edited mine a bit since last time. My main team's changed a bit and I got rid of the espeon I had. I also changed my theme song, I bet people would battle me just to hear it.
>>20639429I'd be your friend, friend. Nice team, by the way. Swanna's a neat pokemon and scrafty's a favorite of mine (despite not being in my team/box).
>>20638353Great starter, man. Swampert's always been my favorite starter pokemon. Is its name a reference to anything in particular?
>>20636373You don't carry much, do you? That Pip-Boy of yours could probably store it all too. Your team names are generic, but I still like them.
>>20635494I like your outfit, very /fa/. Your pokemons' names seem like names that I would give to beloved pets or friends' children.
>>20634601Good taste, anon! I'm more of a prog rock kind of guy, but metal's pretty neat.
>>20634566So are you like a professor-in-training or something? Nice taste anyway, sawsbuck is pretty cool.
>>20634321Good taste in pokemon, but
>a gun>a chainsaw>more than one knifeThis is pokemon, not Deadrising.
>>20634035>cacturne in main teamI'd want to be your friend.
>>20633663Christ, you look like an asshole. The darkrai and LoL credit card don't help my opinion of you very much either.
>>20626263I'm more of a Yu-Gi-Oh guy, but you have a pretty good team, so I like you. Tyrantrum's really neat, I love using it ingame.
>>20625103Your goal is noble albeit simple. I applaud you, friend and wish you luck with gitting gud. Walrein's a bro, by the way, nice taste.
>>20624981I really like some of your pokemons' names. Are you referencing the Queen song, stand, or both with your nidoqueen? Nice bowtie, by the way.
>>20623297Nice team, I'm guessing that steel's your favorite type? I like your goal too, it's nice to take it easy.
>>20620669>champion of every leagueProbably not going to happen, but I wish you the best of luck. Your team seems like it could be tough to beat.
>>20620593>JoJo mangaI wan to to be your friend.