>>39732006This time I went for a football helmet design on the head, for no reason. It looks awful. Having said that, it does stick out more from the naked head that the original has, in my opinion.
What I want you to take from this is that you should experiment more with accessorizing your designs. What you have right now is a solid base but what you're missing is something that draws in attention. Something that stands out.
>>39732125Like I said, I wasn't aiming to improve the design. I was just showing off that a lot of what the original design was going for could be emulated through colour that makes those design aspects stand out more. The ridges on top of the body feel distracting when they're just kind of thrown onto the design but I think they'd be fine to stay if they had some sort of colouration to actually draw the viewer's attention in.
The dreadmaw cheeks were a bad idea and I'll admit that. I was going for more of a frog-like look to it because it wouldn't hurt to combine something like a frog with the base design of a dinosaur.