>>46220819>Dark Cloud 2 is the best game of all timeThen why didn't the conversation end there? Right, because the onionboy had to get mad at someone criticizing his Nintentard product mommy got for the special boy
>this pathetic attempt at a comeback See this is why I can tell you're a pseud, because you cannot come up with your own bants, you just reflect what your opponent said back on them, zero creativity.
For the record I bench pressed your dad's pussy with my cock last night you tremendous faggot, he told me I fucked him better than he fucks his son
>Wew ladYou need to look up what words mean bro, what you're doing isn't an "attack on character" you're just the equivalent of the onion lad who's trying to fight the 6'5 chad with his spindly noodle arms and getting bitch smacked.
Pic related is me, BTW. Send me your address kike