>>48158180Victory Road was no issue.
I chose Turtwig specifically so Barry could have Infernape and make my life harder, but the league fight is the only time he gets to use it against me. I chose to fight him before the League prep process where I'd vastly outlevel him and...still really easy. Bendova took his lead Staraptor's Intimidate then U-Turned to Ilima who took out the entirety of his team.
I then decided to better be safe than sorry and decided to outright hunt for Munchlax. If you couldn't tell from the timestamps, this took a lot less time than you'd think. Manipulating the honey tree times and knowing where all 4 of your Munchlax trees are helps considerably. It took about 7 slather sessions before I finally saw Munchlax pop up on Route 208 according to PKHex, so I just caught it in a Master Ball.
With that done I'll do the final training, item preparation, and strategizing necessary.
>>48158302Fair enough.
>why did it go for the Poison move on your switchI think the D/P AI is generally just stupid, I was at full HP and the game doesn't usually seem to predict switches. I had this during the fight with Maylene where her Lucario refused to use a fighting move on a normal type that was literally right in front of it.
Games from Platinum onward have generally better AI (knows to generally use super effective moves, some strategies, knows to actually attack when they know a move can kill you), RSE and GSC have pretty good AI, but RBY and D/P are fucking retards. D/P is a little better though.