What is Pokenchi? Read this info guide:
http://www.serebiiforums.com/showthread.php?646717-Pok%E9nchi-(Gathering-in-the-Pokemon-House-)-Discussion-Thread THEME SONG:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6Eh4djMATM Today:
>Raising the Roof with Games Dodekabashi Fan Sunshine Ikezaki Has Come Up With! / Dodekabashi Even Shows Up in the Pokémon Battle! Today's guests: "Comedian" Sunshine Ikezaki and Kai, lead dancer from boyband Bullet Train
Stream at:
https://ok.ru/video/560122306232 Alternate stream at:
https://play.fujitv.live/tvplayer/index.html Starts in 2 hours 30 minutes. Are your bodies ready?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPI0qI27yNU>Sunshine Ikezaki and Kai from Bullet Train visit and raise the roof as they play Dodekabashi roleplay games with the Pokénchi residents! >We also get a heated Pokémon battle between Ikezaki and Kai!!>Summary:>Today's episode of Pokénchi is fully Dodekabashi-themed?! Dodekabashi fan Sunshine Ikezaki visits Pokénchi as "Sunshine Ikekabashi"! It appears he's come up with some original games that will make everyone love Dodekabashi... Kai from Bullet Train shows up as well, and everyone raises the roof role playing Dodekabashi, carrying berries and popping balloons!!>Dodekabashi even shows up in the Pokémon battle between Ikezaki and Kai!