>>13033623>>13033148>>13033063>>13032964Actually, even a minimal investment in HP or defences (especially when it's a boosted investment, as with Terrakion in sand) can guarantee survival of certain commonly-used moves. Put it through a damage calculator (All vs One is very helpful for that) and see if there are any important moves that you have a chance to survive without investment, which can be turned into a certainty with investment. No? Then how about 2HKOs, or after hazard damage? It really helps to know these things, and be able to rely on them, as you can play strategically with them in mind. You're either losing to speed tie hax or damage roll hax without the investment in one stat or another. At least with roll hax you have some control in that you can guarantee survival, whereas investing in speed the best you can do is give yourself an uncertain chance.
Personally I never EV for speed ties. I only even run full speed on base 110s to guarantee beating HP fire Latios and base 108s. But then again I am a balance/stall player and will usually have a wall who would rather take the opposing attack than take the speed tie risk.