>>12191355"I think I'm starting to get out of shape. Not only am I starting to talk to myself, but now I'm also getting tired more easily...Maybe I should cut back on the walking?"
You decide to take a shotrtcut, rather than walk the remaining distance to Lavender, you're going to instead take a ship there. Maybe that S.S. Anne thing can take you there, after all, the flyers stuck on just about every wall seem to glorify it as such.
That said, you head to the docks to carry out the next step in your plan.
Only to quickly run into even more trouble.
At first, they're not noticeable, they have nothing to do with you, and you have nothing to do with them. But they're drunk, as deduced by their incoherent ramblings, and you can tell their eyes are burning into the back of your head.
Kabutops. A trio.