>>38939801I'm just not gonna buy a switch. My expectations for this game were already rock fucking bottom....I knew LGPE was a bad omen and shit was just going to get worse from there but I held onto a tiny bid of hope behind all the negativity...because despite all of this I love this fucked up franchise.
Yesterday they not only dug down there and ripped that last shred of hope out of me..but they showed me that they could somehow exceed the level of dread I had for what these games were becoming. The franchise I've loved for 20 years and throughout all of the "Genwar" bullshit have always tried to find the good in, what good is there in this to be found though? Arguing "game balance" is bullshit because they can literally pull a lever to ban the things they think are imbalanced and arguing "dev time" is just insulting given the amount of money these fucks have.
USUM were the last Pokemon games, the franchise is fucking dead. I hope they find success pandering to whatever their new target demographic is because it clearly isn't people who enjoyed their first seven generations of games.