I did learn somthing
>>13598712First of all,My captian Kaiju Was killed to a crit head smash.Rip in
peace.It would have killed any of my team.
Marlon happens and politoad is an easy kill for tlalok,Next thing I know starmie hydro pumps him to the grave in his first fight.
What a waste of a legendary catch.
Then Rambo(My moody lord and saviour)
proceeds to KILL FUCKING EVERYTHING With substitute,dive and ice beam,He got max evaisiveness and 2 special attack boosts.Everything died and carracosta didnt even smash.He just missed four stone misses
and kingra fell to a crit ice
beam.It sucks that I lost Kaiju,But Rambo is here to avenge there souls.What levels for Colress and dennis?