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Every Pokémon gets their Sp. Attack and Attack swapped*, who wins, loses, or just changes a bit?
*Also applies to abilities that affect/buff their Attack/Sp.Attack, so imagine Moxie mons get a special Moxie or Huge Power mons get a special HP. Move effects do not change however
+Scald and other special water STABs
+Hurricane for non Z-Move/Max Move STAB, deadly in rain
+Le Epic Boltbeamthrower obtained
- Dragon Dance which sucks big
- EQ so gets raped by Electrics
I’d call it less of a nerf and more shifting into a less viable archetype than DD sweeper. It’d probably be fun as fuck to use in rain, either blasting the foe with Hydro Pump/Thunder/Hurricane or fucking over Attackers with Intimidate and Scald