>>35447359Big update bug squishin edition: Caught a Onix in Union Cave and named it Granite and used my metal coat from my Silver play through to evolve it after I beat my rival in Azalea Town and then proceeded to teach it almost all of my tms. In Slowpoke well I had my first death my tadpole was killed at half hp from a crit quick attack from team rocket scum i'm still upset about this because I had been using hypnosis to help me catch everything and was looking forward to using either Politoed or Poliwrath. Bugsy was an easy fight between having an Onix with rock throw and Count Chocula being able to resist any attacks as well. In Ilex Forest all I got was a Kakuna... but when I got headbutt and went back into town I got extremely lucky and on my first headbutt picked up a new member Dr. Banana who will be the spiritual successor to Pepe. On route 34 I got the odd egg and hatched it immediately hoping for a magby or smoochum to add coverage but unfortunately it was just a pichu. Looking ahead I very desperately need a water type especially since my rival has a Quilava and Ruka and Granite both are very weak to fire. Hopefully I can pick up a fire type of my own but we'll have to see my catches so far haven't been that good except for a few exceptions and my route 35 catch was going to be only a pidgey but I accidentally killed it. At least Whitney will be an easy ass kicking with Ruka knowing both reflect and poison powder the cow bitch is going down.