Quoted By:
>see upc
>tell anon1
>anon1 gets 3 Charizard upcs
>one for himself, one for me ,and one for anon2
>join anon1 for pickup
>anon1 gets first pick, I get second pick, and anon2 (wasn't there with us) gets the remaining box
>decide to open the packs together next time we meetup
>everyones Charizard promos are dinged up and off-center to shit
>proceed to pack opening
>anon 1 gets an amazing rare (jirachi), a radiant rare(heatran), 3 regular v cards(genesect, sylveon, lumineon), a full art trainer (school boy), and a full art Aerodactyl
>I get pic related
>anon2 gets literally fuck all
>I'm talking like absolutely fucked
>no V's, no character rares, fucking nothing
>gets 7 holo rares in total from the 16 packs
>mfw that could have been me if I had chosen that box
I have never witnessed such dog shit pulls, especially coming from the packs in a holiday product like this (referring to anon2's pulls). I feel like anon1's pulls were the normal average and mine and anon2's pulls were on opposite sides of the bell curve. We felt pretty bad for him but he was happy he got the Charizard cards at least.